Important symptoms and sign of hyperthyroidism.
The important sign and symptoms of hyperthyroidism are weight loss, fatique, anxiety, heat intolerence,palpitations, insomnia, diarrhoea or increased bowel frequency, irregular menses, neck mass or tenderness and eye osre ness and the physical signs are warm moist skin, tremor, tachycardia, hyperrefexia, proximal muscle weakness, goitre, rash and eye sign like lid lag or lid retraction.
A diffuse goitre with a bruit is commonly found in Graves disease, a nodular goitre may suggest either a toxic multinodular goitre or toxic adenoma, Although greaves disease can also occur within a pre-existing nodular gland. Subacute thyroiditis is associated with tender, asymmetrically enlarge thyroid, and patients are typically systemically unwell with fever, malaise and anterior neck pain. Eye lag and and eye lid retraction can occur in any thyrotoxic state, but proprosis and the rare pretibial myxoedema are specific for graves disease.
A diffuse goitre with a bruit is commonly found in Graves disease, a nodular goitre may suggest either a toxic multinodular goitre or toxic adenoma, Although greaves disease can also occur within a pre-existing nodular gland. Subacute thyroiditis is associated with tender, asymmetrically enlarge thyroid, and patients are typically systemically unwell with fever, malaise and anterior neck pain. Eye lag and and eye lid retraction can occur in any thyrotoxic state, but proprosis and the rare pretibial myxoedema are specific for graves disease.
Labels: symptom of thyroid