Wednesday, August 30, 2006

symptom thyroid : Why They are So Common

Some experts say a woman over 35 has a 30 percent chance of developing a thyroid disorder. One simple explanation is that today’s more sensitive and sophisticated tests catch the ailment sooner, leading to more diagnoses. But even if that’s true many experts think hypothyroidism is under-diagnosed, and researchers don’t know why. Possible explanations include:

It’s everywhere these days. Many thyroidologists recommend that patients try yoga, meditation, and other stress-reducers. Some experts believe that finding healthy ways to cope with stress might help prevent immune-system attacks like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the most frequent cause of hypothyroidism, or at least slow its onset.

Environmental toxins
Chemicals that disrupt the body’s endocrine system may be throwing people’s hormones out of whack. An American Thyroid Association investigative meeting in the spring tackled the topic of environmental effects on the thyroid.

Nutritional deficiencies and/or imbalances
Too much or too little iodine, selenium deficiency from soil, fluoride in water, and too much soy in today’s diet may be culprits.

by Melanie Haiken

symptom thyroid : Treatment Options for Hypothyroidism

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for hypothyroidism. It may take a few trips to the doctor to get the right remedy, and over time, your prescribed medication may change. Here’s a brief look at the possibilities:

Synthetic hormones.
Most people with hypothyroidism first receive a synthetic thyroid hormone known as levothyroxine; the brand names are Synthroid, Levoxyl, Unithroid, and Levothroid. This medication often gets you back to normal within weeks. And you’ll take it for the rest of your life. But it doesn’t work for everyone.

“About 80 percent of patients who test positive for hypothyroidism get a prescription for levothyroxine and feel better,” says endocrinologist Theodore Friedman, MD, PhD, an associate professor of medicine at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science and the University of California, Los Angeles. “For the other 20 percent, we need to be flexible. I get the patients who tell me conventional treatment isn’t working. And I believe them.”

Combination therapy.
Your thyroid produces two hormones, but synthetic levothyroxine replaces only one, known as T4. The biochemistry can get complicated, but basically your body has to convert T4 into yet another hormone called T3 for your thyroid to work well.

Experts like Friedman and Baylor University’s Ridha Arem, MD, a nationally known endocrinologist, believe T4 treatment alone doesn’t do the job for some patients. For them, Friedman also prescribes a small amount of supplemental T3 (brand name Cytomel), so-called combination therapy.

Other animal-based hormones.
Some experts may even reject this approach in favor of animal-based hormone treatment (the most common brand is Armour). Manufactured in the United States for more than 100 years, this medication is made from the desiccated thyroid tissue of pigs.

The major thyroid organizations consider it outdated, but some specialists swear by it. “I clearly have patients who do better on Armour,” Friedman says. Even its strongest advocates aren’t sure why Armour would be more effective. But it contains both T3 and T4, as well as lesser-known hormones called T1 and T2 and other substances.

by Melanie Haiken

symptom thyroid : Your Thyroid Stories

Your Thyroid Stories
Since our article “The New Thyroid Cure” ran in the June 2006 issue, we’ve received dozens of e-mails from readers who’ve suffered because of thyroid disorders. See if you can relate.

Listening to Your Body
I highly recommend that anyone afflicted with hypo- or hyperthyroidism see an endocrinologist. I’ve been on Synthroid since 1988—though it was 2 months before I was correctly diagnosed and treated. When my family doctor wanted to lower my dosage due to my test levels, I decided to see an endocrinologist. Even though I still tested “high” on one level, I was allowed to keep my dosage steady. At least the specialist listens to how I feel, not just what the tests say. I have felt “normal” for a long time now, and I thank my endocrinologist for listening to me. After all, who knows my body better than I do?

– Annette Panek

All in the Family
I, too have hypothyroidism. Ironically, my sister was diagnosed and then my daughter. I don’t think enough emphasis is placed on the hereditary factors. Now that my sister and I both know what hypothyroidism is, we have no doubt our mother suffered from it also. Her daily naps were the family joke, but we had all become so used to them that they didn’t seem unusual at the time. Thanks again for a great article!

– Diane

Mistaking the Symptoms
Last fall, I was experiencing just about every symptom that (author) Melanie Haiken described. As a 53-year-old woman, I was attributing all the symptoms to menopause. But then I tested positive for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (a condition that causes your body to produce antibodies that attack the thyroid). An endocrinologist did a sonogram and found a small nodule. Fortunately, the nodule was benign, and I was placed on medication for hypothyroidism. Thank you for a great article and for helping to get the word out to many unsuspecting men and women!

– Julia A. Kuhn

Living a Full Life—Finally
After living what I call a “half-life” for the past 6 years due to sheer exhaustion, unrefreshed sleep, severe memory lapses, and weight that has kept creeping up no matter how much I would diet, I was diagnosed with having low thyroid. Prior to that, eight different doctors failed to accurately diagnose my symptoms because the TSH blood test they relied upon always showed a normal range. Ultimately, I located a physician who ordered a complete thyroid panel, which confirmed my hypothyroidism. I’m happy to say that I am now on the road to recovery.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

symptom thyroid : The Magic Of The Thyroid Diet

health & Fitness are considered most important in our daily life and our every day diet plays an important role in it. The thyroid diet has magical secrets of weight loss. thyroid diet includes food you want to eat and lose weight overnight. thyroid diet is the best for people who have weight challenges due to thyroid conditions. It helps us to return to a healthy weight, without a rigorous change in our diet and exercise.

The thyroid diet explores brands, mixtures and dosage of thyroid medicines right for us considering the other lifestyle issues and supplements that help to optimize thyroid treatment. It resolves nutritional deficiencies, treats depression and corrects brain chemistry imbalances, reduces stress, combats insulin resistance, treats food allergies and sensitivities, and exercise.

thyroid diet recommends a very low-calorie diet for weight loss in cases of hypothyroidism but it is necessary to maintain metabolism. Low calories and lower metabolism sends body into hoard mode, which is a process, thyroid patients are susceptible to. thyroid diet suggests breaking up calories into multiple "mini-meals" per day. The thyroid diet manages metabolism for Lasting Weight Loss. These thyroid conditions result in metabolic slowdown. The thyroid diet gives diagnosed and proper thyroid treatment for successfully loses weight.

This diet has many frustrating impediments for weight loss. It offers both conventional and alternative solution for help. The thyroid diet has optimal dietary changes. thyroid sufferer have to focus on a low-glycemic, high-fiber, lower-calorie diet, optimal timing of meals for maximum hormonal impact, thyroid-damaging foods to avoid, helpful herbs and supplements. They face unexpected weight gain, despite diet and exercise showing symptoms as:

- Fatigue and exhaustion
- More hair loss than usual
- Moodiness
- Muscle and joint pains and aches

Hyper thyroid leads to metabolism that stores every calorie even after rigorous diet and exercise programs. Even optimal treatment doesn't help weight problems plague for many thyroid patients. For the majority of thyroid patients, treatment alone doesn't seem to resolve our weight problems. thyroid diet is a simple, understandable way that offers you the support, encouragement and information to pursue the right diagnosis and treatment.

by Mark Dodd

symptom thyroid : Can't Lose Weight?

A thyroid disorder called hypothyroidism means you have an underactive thyroid gland. If you have trouble losing weight no matter what you do, it could be because you are hypothyroid. There are almost 30 million Americans with thyroid disease and women are 7 times more likely than men to have it. Hypo thyroid is the most common thyroid disorder and often misdiagnosed by doctors.

You may get this because it is inherited, or because of previous problems, such as nodules, goiter, thyroid cancer, previous thyroid surgery, another autoimmune disease.

This is a condition where the thyroid gland, a small butterfly shaped organ located at the base of the neck, does not produce enough hormone to function properly.

What happens is that it takes in iodine, combines it with tyrosine (an amino acid) and converts it into the hormones T4 and T3. If your thyroid is normal, 80% will be T4 and 20% T3. These hormones travel through the bloodstream, converting oxygen and calories into energy. If this process doesn't work properly, then the calories and oxygen cannot convert the energy properly and you may gain weight or incapability to lose weight.

The symptoms can include : weight gain, depression, forgetfulness, fatigue, hoarseness, high cholesterol, constipation, feeling cold, hair loss, dry skin, low sex drive, tingling hands or feet, irregular periods, infertility. You may even experience recurrent pregnancy loss, resistant high cholesterol, difficult menopause, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, or mitral valve prolapse.

Do you feel sluggish and fatigued on a regular basis, or do you get bouts of depression and sadness? Are you always feeling cold, especially your hands and feet, or do you have brittle nails? These are just some of the possible signs of the disease. There may be other causes, but at least this may give you a clue as to why you do not feel well. Check with your doctor in all cases to be sure.

When your metabolism doesn't work right because you have this disorder, you may find that there's no amount of dieting or exercise that takes the weight off. You may in fact put on extra pounds, even though you are doing just what you are supposed to.

What can you do ? Meet with your doctor and ask if you need a thyroid examination and blood test. These likely will be a TSH ( thyroid stimulating hormone) blood test, along with T4, T3, free T4 and free T3 tests.

A drug called levothyroxine (often called Levo-T, Levoxyl, Synthroid, Unithroid) may be prescribed for you. It is usually inexpensive, has minimal side effects, and has uniform potency. However, all thyroid hormone replacement therapies, whether natural or synthetic, have the ability to restore thyroid hormone levels.

Supplements that contain the following might also help:

- L-Tyrosine - is one of the amino acids that your body needs to make thyroid hormones. It is included in some weight control products because it works to stimulate your metabolism. It's also an element in helping your brain operate more efficiently which makes you feel better.

- Guglipid - an extract from the Indian guggal tree, may improve thyroid function and assist in controlling your weight. Scientists are finding that guglipid lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol, and thus can help somewhat to prevent heart disease.

There is always hope and lots of help out there for you. If you suspect that you have this condition and you are not sure what to do, talk to your physician for guidance and advice.

by ken black

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

symptom thyroid : Risk Factors for Thyroid Cancer & Nodules

Following are risk factors for thyroid cancer and thyroid nodules:

Thyroid Cancer
Scientists have found a few risk factors that make a person more likely to develop thyroid cancer; however, most people with thyroid cancer have no apparent risk factors.

Following are some risk factors for thyroid cancer:

Being female
Younger than 30 or older than 50
Family history of thyroid cancer
Radiation exposure (i.e. radiation therapy)
Pregnancy when age 30 or older
Certain genetic disorders
Thyroid Nodules
Following are some risk factors for developing thyroid nodules:

Being female
Family history of thyroid nodules
Radiation exposure (i.e. radiation therapy)
History of thyroiditis (chronic inflammation of the thyroid)
Reducing the Risk of Thyroid Cancer & Nodules
There are no known ways to reduce the risk of developing thyroid cancer or thyroid nodules. However, a healthy diet that is high in fruits and vegetables and low in animal fat can reduce your risk of developing many types of cancer, including thyroid cancer.

Copyright © 2006 RIA.

symptom thyroid : Facts About Thyroid Cancer & Nodules

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck, below the Adam’s apple. Although it only weighs about an ounce, the thyroid can have a tremendous impact on your health. The thyroid’s function is to create thyroid hormone, which regulates every aspect of your metabolism.

Thyroid Cancer
Cancerous thyroid nodules are often detected by a lump in the thyroid or swelling in the neck. The majority of people with thyroid cancer have excellent long term prognoses due to the availability of safe and effective therapies.

Here are some additional facts about thyroid cancer:

Thyroid cancer is the most common cancer of the endocrine system (glands).
The American Cancer Society estimates that in the year 2005 about 25,690 new cases of thyroid cancer will be diagnosed in the United States.
The rate of thyroid cancer is increasing (determined by a 3% per year increase in the actual rate per 100,000 people).
Women are more likely to suffer from thyroid disease than men.
Thyroid Nodules
Normal thyroid cells may grow, forming a solid or fluid-filled lump in the thyroid. There are generally no symptoms. However, nodules may grow large enough to press on the trachea or esophagus, or may cause hyperthyroidism. Only 5% of nodules are cancerous.

Copyright © 2006 RIA.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

symptom thyroid : Woes from an Underactive Thyroid (Part 1)

Just below your Adam's apple sits the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland. The thyroid secretes two hormones - and these hormones have everything to do with your metabolism (the conversion of nutrients into energy); body temperature; heart rate and blood pressure; bowel function; skin, hair, and nail growth; cholesterol levels; and numerous other functions.

An underactive thyroid fails to produce enough of the hormones it is supposed to produce. This condition is called hypothyroidism (it affects women more than men). An overactive thyroid produces too many hormones - this condition is called hyperthyroidism. Since an underactive thyroid is the most prevalent, we will limit this discussion to hypothyroidism.

There are several causes of hypothyroidism - but whatever the cause, the end result is the same: A slow metabolism which affects every single cell in your body. This leads to weight gain as well as feeling tired all of the time. Constant fatigue also affects your brain, leaving it too tired to motivate your body into action. To other people, you may appear lazy. Is it any wonder that hypothyroidism often leads to depression?

Besides weight gain, fatigue, and depression - there are other symptoms of hypothyroidism. Poor digestion, constipation, feeling cold while those around you are warm (a particularly miserable symptom if you're going through menopause and having hot flashes too), aching muscles and joints, dry skin and brittle nails, thinning hair, irregular menstrual cycles, high cholesterol, and recurring infections are all potential symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Four common reasons for hypothyroidism are (1) not enough of the mineral selenium, (2) a damaged thyroid gland, (3) miscommunication between the brain and the thyroid about hormone production, and (4) not enough of the mineral iodine.

Let's take a look at each dysfunction.

(1) The thyroid produces two hormones: T3 (which contains 3 iodine molecules) and T4 (which contains 4 iodine molecules). T3 is more active and about four times more potent than T4, and on an as-needed basis the body converts T4 to T3. Since roughly 80% of your thyroid hormones are T4 and 20% are T3, there is plenty of T4 hanging around to be converted to T3.

Conversion takes place mostly in the thyroid gland and liver, and conversion requires a special enzyme to remove one iodine from T4 to make it into T3. That enzyme can only do its job when the mineral - selenium - is available to 'activate' the enzyme. Too little selenium, and the conversion of T4 to T3 is sluggish, slowing down your metabolism.

(2) Sometimes the body attacks its own thyroid gland through a (still) mysterious autoimmune disease mechanism. This apparently happens when the immune system creates an antibody against something else, but the antibody 'cross-reacts' and attacks the thyroid gland.

Researchers think food allergies could be involved in producing this antibody; or, during pregnancy, cells from the fetus could be seen as foreign to the body, thus producing the antibody (helping to explain why hypothyroidism is mostly found in women).

(3) The thyroid gland is controlled by the pituitary gland - a peanut-sized gland located just under the brain. The pituitary gland is controlled by the hypothalamus - a part of the brain.

Here's how it works: When the brain detects low levels of T3 and T4 in the blood, it sends a hormone (TRH) to the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland then sends a hormone (TSH) to the thyroid that relates this message: Make more T3 and T4.

Any disease state involving the brain or pituitary gland could lead to a miscommunication with the thyroid about hormone levels. Most often, it is the pituitary gland that has a problem.

(4) A low iodine supply causes a problem for the thyroid in producing the (3-iodine) T3 hormone and (4-iodine) T4 hormone. This is not 'much' of a problem in the U.S. anymore because we use iodized salt. However, if you have all but given up salt (usually to control high blood pressure), you may be low in iodine.

T3, T4, antibodies that attack the thyroid, TRH, TSH, and iodine can all be measured with lab tests to determine if you have hypothyroidism. These tests are reasonably accurate, but sometimes miss low or moderately-low hypothyroid conditions.

If you have any of the symptoms listed above for hypothyroidism, get the lab tests done.

In Part 2, I'll say a bit more about thyroid tests and share some tips for supporting your thyroid function.

By Sharon Moore

symptom thyroid : Woes from an Underactive Thyroid (Part 2)

In the previous article, I ended by stating that there are tests available for hypothyroidism and that these will: check the level of the two thyroid hormones (T3 and T4); check the level of the pituitary hormone (TSH) that stimulates the thyroid gland; check the level of brain hormone (TRH) that stimulates the pituitary gland; check the levels of thyroid-attacking antibodies, and; check the level of iodine.

The most common of the above tests is the TSH test, considered the standard 'screening' test for thyroid dysfunction. This test measures the level of TSH - the hormone excreted by the pituitary gland that stimulates the thyroid to produce more T3 and T4. The relationship between thyroid hormone levels and TSH levels is inverse - in other words, a high TSH level usually indicates that your body has a low thyroid hormone level.

Up until 2003, the range for a 'normal' TSH level was extremely wide: 0.5-5.0. That wide range for normal was reduced in 2003 to 0.3-3.04 ... but would it surprise you to learn that many family doctors are unaware of this change? Many millions of Americans, of course, are now considered 'hypothyroid' with this change in range - and many don't know it. Researchers now suspect that thyroid dysfunction has surpassed diabetes as the number one endocrine gland disease - and diabetes is considered at 'epidemic' levels.

The new range for the TSH test is good news. The bad news, however, is that you can have ALL of the symptoms of an underactive thyroid even with a normal TSH. Unfortunately, most doctors look at your TSH 'screening' test results only, and if this is in the 'normal' range (and remember, many doctors are still using the pre-2003 ranges) then they believe your thyroid function is fine. But there is almost NO correlation between TSH and T3 (the workhorse) hormone levels. Lack of correlation makes sense if you think about it. TSH is a pituitary hormone, T3 is a thyroid hormone.
To compound the problem, if your TSH does happen to fall outside the 'normal' range, the common practice is for doctors to write a one-size-fits-all prescription for a synthetic T4 thyroid supplement - usually Synthroid or Levoxyl. If you have problems converting T4 to T3, or if you have thyroid-attacking antibodies, synthetic T4 is unlikely to fix your underactive thyroid.

If you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and still have symptoms - OR - if you have symptoms but have not been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, find a doctor that uses the Comprehensive Thyroid Assessment blood panel for testing. Every single aspect of your health could improve JUST by getting your hypothyroidism under control ... every single aspect. Please - make this investment in yourself! As someone once stated: 'Hypothyroidism has been called the great imitator for the vast number of medical conditions it can mimic.'

Tips for Improving Thyroid Function

It would not be surprising if half (or more) of all baby boomers have subclinical hypothyroidism. Like insulin resistance, hypothyroidism seems to be part of the aging process. The stress hormone cortisol, for example, negatively affects thyroid (hormone) receptors on cells, just as it negatively affects insulin (hormone) receptors on cells.

Insulin resistance (pre-diabetes/metabolic syndrome) and subclinical hypothyroidism make it extremely difficult (and sometimes impossible) to shed those unwanted pounds. When it comes to losing weight, remember that you need to be healthy to lose weight, not lose weight to be healthy.

There are some additional things you can do for subclinical hypothyroidism. First, supplementing with the mineral selenium is smart. The daily requirement for good health is 70 micrograms (mcg) of selenium. It is not enough, however, if you need support in converting T4 to T3. A better dose of this mineral is 200 mcg daily (but not to exceed 400 mcg). And because selenium is also recommended for protection against several cancers (prostate cancer in particular), I recommend this supplement at 200 mcg. Recall, if you will, Linus Pauling's statement: 'There is no disease, sickness or illness that cannot be traced back to a deficiency of one mineral or another.'

Second, subclinical hypothyroidism is present mostly in the over-40 age group, and so I also recommend a whole-natural thyroid extract supplement. Whole-natural thyroid extract provides both T3 and T4. Supplementation can have a wide range of health benefits - and in many 'anti-aging' programs it is considered important in slowing the aging process.

Final Words: If you have symptoms of hypothyroidism, find a doctor that uses the Comprehensive Thyroid Assessment blood panel and get tested - you're worth every nickel this will cost. If you want to supplement with whole-natural thyroid extract as the first step in an 'anti-aging' program, do so - but do it prudently.

By Sharon Moore

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

symptom thyroid : Common Drugs and Their Uses

The five drugs that are discussed in this article are Ibuprofen which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is commonly used for relief of Arthritis, Warfarin which is an anticoagulant drug commonly prescribed by doctors to treat venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, to treat or prevent dangerous blood clotting in people with arterial fibrillation and to prevent strokes, a benzodiazepine drug called Diazepam which is commonly prescribed by doctors for relieve nervousness, anxiety, and anxiety disorders, a sulfonylureas drug called Glipizide which is used to help control blood sugar levels and used to treat type 2 diabetes and a thyroid medication called Armour Thyroid which is prescribed for the treatment of hypothyroidism.

Arthritis is a common illness in today’s society; doctors prescribe drugs called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for this condition. A common NSAID is Ibuprofen which reduces inflammation, pain and high temperature and is used widely to relieve the symptoms of arthritis. Ibuprofen is available in prescription and nonprescription. As well as rheumatoid arthritis, Ibuprofen is used to treat mild to moderate pain, primary dysmenorrhoea, osteoarthritis, menstrual cramps, bursitis, gout, migraine headaches and fever.

NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen can cause gastrointestinal (GI) irritation, bleeding, iron loss and kidney dysfunction and increased blood potassium levels, especially in older people. Ibuprofen may cause drowsiness, dizziness, or blurred vision especially when taken with alcohol.

Ibuprofen has adverse results when taken with lithium, sodium and white willow.

Lithium a mineral which is commonly prescribe to treat manic depression, many NSAID’s stop the excretion of lithium from the body which results in higher blood lithium levels which in tern can create unwanted side effects and interferes with efficacy. NSAID’s should be taken with caution for those people who are taking lithium whether in supplement form or for mood disorders. It is wise to reduce salt intake when taking Ibuprofen because Ibuprofen may cause sodium and water retention.

People who are taking the herb white willow should be aware that links have been made that white willow reduces the blood level of NSAID’s.

Warfarin is an anticoagulant drug commonly used to treat venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, treat or prevent dangerous blood clotting in people with arterial fibrillation and to prevent stroke.

Coenzyme Q10, Green tea, Iron, Magnesium, St. John’s wort, Vitamin C and Zinc should be avoid when taking Warfarin as they can reduced drug absorption/ bioavailability. Also American ginseng, Asian ginseng, Cranberry, Dan shen, Devil’s claw, Dong quai, Fenugreek, Garlic, Ginger, Ginkgo biloba, Horse chestnut, Lycium barbarum, Papain, Quilinggao, Quinine, Red clover, Reishi, Sweet clover, Sweet woodruff, Vitamin D and Vitamin K should be avoided as they can cause dangerous or undesirable results.

The long term of heavy drinking of alcohol can affect the efficiency of warfarin and also certain foods such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, parsley, spinach, which contain high amounts of vitamin K, can interfere with the effectiveness and safety of warfarin.

Known side effects of warfarin are difficulty breathing, closing of the throat, swelling of the lips, tongue, face, hives, black, bloody, or tarry stools, blood in urine or vomit, coughing up blood, bleeding gums or sores in the mouth, decreased urine production, yellowing of the skin or eyes, severe dizziness or headache, easy bleeding or bruising under the skin, purple discoloration of the toes or fingers, sudden leg or foot pain, unusually heavy menstrual periods, excessive gas or bloating, diarrhoea, nausea, or vomiting, hair loss and decreased appetite or weight.

Diazepam is commonly used to relieve nervousness, anxiety, and anxiety disorders. It is in a class of drugs called benzodiazepines which effect chemicals in the brain. People can become physically and psychologically dependent on diazepam, it is habit forming and withdrawal effects can occur when stopped. Diazepam can cause dizziness and drowsiness, alcohol can make these thyroid symptoms worst.

Diazepam can harm unborn babies and can be passed into breast milk. Known side effects of Diazepam are an allergic reaction, sores in the mouth or throat, yellowing of the skin or eye, a rash, hallucinations or severe confusion, changes in vision, drowsiness, dizziness, clumsiness, depression, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, difficulty urinating, vivid dreams, headache, dry mouth, decreased sex drive and changes in behaviour.

Glipizide is a sulfonylurea drug which is used to help control blood sugar levels and used to treat type 2 diabetes. Known side effects of glipizide are severe headaches in children, skin rash or hives, signs and symptoms of overdose, chest pain, confusion, fast or irregular heartbeat, mood swings, muscle weakness, psychosis, extreme restlessness, yellow eyes or skin, shortness of breath, changes in appetite, changes in menstrual periods, diarrhoea, fever, hand tremors, headache, increased sensitivity to heat, irritability, leg cramps, nervousness, sweating, trouble in sleeping, vomiting and weight loss.

Adverse reaction can take place when Glipizide is taken together with fenugreek and Ginkgo biloba. Fenugreek has been proved in studies to reduce blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes and ginkgo biloba worsened glucose tolerance in people who took oral anti-diabetes medication.

Thyroid medication are used for the treatment of hypothyroidism and are either synthetic or animal-derived hormones, Armour Thyroid is a common example of thyroid medication. Calcium and Soya may reduce drug absorption and bioavailability within the body, bugleweed and lemon balm cause adverse reaction when taken with thyroid medication.

Thyroid medication has been known to increase loss of calcium from the body through urine and calcium has been known to reduce the effectiveness of certain thyroid medication. Soya being taken at the same time as thyroid medication has been known to reduce it abilities.

Bugleweed and lemon balm should not be used with thyroid medication as it is known that they interfere with the action of thyroid hormones.

In conclusion, it is important for a Nutritional Therapist to ask patients what medication has been prescribed for them and to research these medications so that they know what side effects are caused by these and what supplement and food types can be used without causing further negative effects.

by Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh

symptom thyroid : Know Your Thermostat

Women are more likely to develop hypothyroidism. Sometimes our thyroid does not produce enough hamones, this condition is known as hypothyroidism.

Thyroid gland is the internal thermostat of our body. Shaped like a butterfly, located below the Adam's apple and weighing less than an ounce, it regulates all aspects of our metabolism-the rate at which our heart beats to the rate at which we burn calories.

Sometimes our thyroid does not produce enough hormones, this condition is known as hypothyroidism.

Women are more likely to develop hypothyroidism, especially in the age group of 30-50. Hormonal imbalance triggers hypothyroidism. During pregnancy, postpartum and menopause women have upset hormones. In rare cases, hypothyroidism occurs in infants and children too. Early treatment ensures normal development. Teens with hypothyroidism look younger than their age.


Fatigue Loss of appetite inability to tolerate cold. A slow heart rate Weight gain Painful periods Hair loss Depression.


Poor diet Fluoride in the water. Excessive consumption of vegetable consumption of vegetable oils Pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables. Radiation from X-rays, Alcohol, and drugs are some of the aggravating factors. A condition called Hashimoto's disease is the most common cause of under active thyroid. In this disorder, the body in effect becomes allergic to thyroid hormone then it produces antibodies against its own thyroid tissue.


Consume apricots, dates, egg yolks, potatoes, prunes and whole grains. Eat fish or chicken.

Take medications several hours apart from thyroid medications.

Eat these in moderation Cabbage, peaches, pear, radishes, spinach, turnips, mustard green, sprouts.


Refined flour, processed foods, including sugar. Fluoride even from tooth paste and tap water.

Chlorine from tap water do not take thyroid medication with calcium supplements.

Thyroid Self-Test:

You can test this. To test yourself for an under active thyroid, place a thermometer inside your arm and hold it there for fifteen minutes first thing in the morning for five days.

A temperature of 97.6F or lower may indicate an under active thyroid.

By Subodh Jain

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